Poverty questions

1.When discussing issues of hunger, we often use these biblical sources to cite our tradition’s concern for fighting hunger. However, we no longer live in an agricultural society, and the laws of reaping and tithing no longer apply. How do we make these texts relevant today? What can we do in our modern lives to realize the principles that underlie these laws?

If you see someone who is homeless/poor, don’t just walk/drive past them like you don’t care, really think about what a mitzvah you would be doing. It would put a smile on their face if you gave them a little something or make a bag with all sorts of foods or other things. If you don’t like giving money to the poor or just never stop if they are holding a sign saying homeless, I guarantee you will change your viewpoint and come full circle and notice, these people really need my help & you give them a little something. I love giving the poor money and a bag filled with goodies, I hope I can keep it up and do more good deeds in life. 2.The Torah recognizes certain categories of people who are particularly vulnerable: the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, the widow, etc. What categories of people today require special assistance and our focused attention? Why?

2.The Torah recognizes certain categories of people who are particularly vulnerable: the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, the widow, etc. What categories of people today require special assistance and our focused attention? Why?

People today like the homeless, seniors, people with mental disorders, newborns, people that have no arms or legs, or even kids or adults in hospitals that have been through some rough times and just want people to visit them and need special care and assistance because they can’t do the things we can do. So just do a little something for these types of people throughout your life to make them feel happy and to know that they are just like us but a little different than us which makes them special and unique in their own way.

3. Explain the tension between Deuteronomy chapter 15 verses 4 and 11, found in the same chapter in Deuteronomy.

It says in verse 4 God says there shall be no needy and in verse 11 he says there shall be needy. I agree with verse 4 because there shall be no needy because everyone would’ve helped everyone around them and there would be no one left to beg for money and everyone would be happy.

4. If we accept an obligation to care for the needy in our society, does that mean that we have to do it without regret for our own financial loss? Do you personally feel that you are able to give without regret or hesitation?

I never feel regret or hesitation after helping the homeless or giving charity because you are doing a good deed and helping others. The only time I would feel regret is if I gave the person money and used if for something they shouldn’t have such as drugs. I did give a person once some money instead of saying thank you they asked if I had some more, I was guessing they wanted more to spend it on drugs, I was not pleased I regretted that.

Mid-quarter Reflection


I think my effort through this project so far is a 3 out of 4 which is, I worked on the task until it was completed. ”I pushed myself to continue working on the task and tried to solve solutions which were not immediately obvious.” I worked hard but maybe I could push myself a little more to work on some tasks and actually try. I worked well with my group and we collaborated very well. I think I achieved a lot more than I thought, I would give myself a 4. I finished all the tasks given to me during this class. I worked well with my group helping them to get the job done to finish on time. 


I think I achieved a lot more than I thought, I would give myself a 3 . I finished all the tasks given to me during this class but maybe missed a few steps in the work assignments.  I worked well with my group helping them to get the job done to finish on time. 

Final sukkah plan

  1. We came up with the dimensions and design on graph paper
  2. Then, we made a design out of wooden blocks
  3. Our design is a 16×16 foot sukkah with 12 8×4 frames with a triangular structure by lining
  4. We made our model by using popsicle sticks and glue. Our scaling system is a whole popsicle stick is 8 feet, and a cut in half popsicle stick is 4 feet.
  5. Then we modified the design by making a piece of lumber that is almost 9 feet long go diagonally across the frame to make a triangular design.
    Final sukkah plan
    Final sukkah plan
    Sukkah walls out of sticks
    Sukkah walls out of sticks
    Almost finished Sukkah
    Almost finished Sukkah



For the Teamwork rubric, when I work in a group I am best at flexibility because I am all eyes and ears when considering ideas and thoughts in consideration even when If it is challenging. In class, someone had an idea to make a two story Sukkah. I was a little hesitant about how we would make it, but I wouldn’t just trash that idea, I would keep it and mind and create a second one story Sukkah plan in case that two story plan wouldn’t work out.

Out of the Rubric, the one I think I need to work on the most is listening/talking because I often get distracted from others talking and I am not able to think and I think sometimes I need to speak up more about my ideas instead of just going with someone else’s ideas and not even sharing my own.

Sukkah plan

I may be the daughter of a woodworker, but I am not an expert at designing/sketching out a sukkah plan and what materials we should use to make sure it’s stable. With the help of my classmates/group, we came up with a sukkah plan that was stable and kosher. Overall all, I think not just me but my entire group did a fantastic job today!

Sukkah plan sketch
Sukkah plan sketch

My plans and reflections

This year I want to accomplish and learn new things that I didn’t get to learn last year. I want to use my time in study hall or at home not chatting with anyone, staying focused, working productively and finishing my work in time not rushing and making sure it’s neat and complete. My goal is to think of what an amazing year I had last year, and hope it will be even better this year! I remember when we used teamwork to try to make an amazing slideshow for the Shabbat sing directory to try to convince them to have Shabbat sing only once a month and we had a few stumbles in between, but overall the slideshow was a hit! I can’t wait to see what is in stock for learning this year, I know this is going to be a great year!

3 things

These 3 things play a very important role in my life because I was brought to this school not only to learn but to have a Jewish education. In the Torah there are so many things that talk about community. Over the summer, I go to a Jewish camp and whenever we do prayers and read from the Torah, it reminds me of a holy community and how we are a family. This is why Judaism is a big part of my life because we get to learn new things and prepare the world. (Tikkun Olam)